Yellow Corn Suppliers BRAZIL – The World’s Largest Corn Exporter

BRAZIL – The World’s Largest Corn Exporter

Brazil is the third largest producer of corn, but it easily reaches the first place as an exporter of the grain.

The product is recognized by the foreign market for its good quality and for guaranteeing supplies in several countries exactly during the off-season in the USA. The main importing countries for the corn produced here are Vietnam, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Egypt and Malaysia.


Maize production by country

• Worldwide, 1,060,247,727 tons of corn are produced per year.
• The United States of America is the largest corn producer in the world, with 384,777,890 tons of production volume per year.
• China comes in second, with 231,837,497 tons of annual production.
• United States of America and China together produce 58% of the world total.
• Brazil has 64,143,414 out of 3.
Even though it ranks third in terms of production volume, Brazil is the largest corn exporter in the world.

Brazil produces maize in three crops a year

Among the crops produced worldwide, maize ranks first. Because it is a warmer crop, its production is linked to the spring and summer seasons. However, depending on weather conditions, it can also be produced during the winter, as in Brazil and Mexico.

In Brazilian production, more and more, the winter harvest (also known as “safrinha”). Thus, Brazil has had two corn crops for a long time, with the first crop (summer) planted from September to December, and the second (winter) from January to April.

1st SUMMER CROP – Harvest from February to July
2nd WINTER CROP – Harvest from June to August
3rd SAFRA – Harvest from October to December
Source: Conab and USDA

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Corn production in 2019

Brazil exported 44.9 million tons of maize in 2019, a new record, with an annual increase of 88% after harvesting a historic crop last year and counting on good external demand, according to data published by the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex).

This year there was a record production of 73.8 million tons, 36.9% more than the previous harvest. According to Conab, there was an increase of 9.3% in the sown area and a 25.3% increase in productivity, with the total Brazilian production reaching 100 million tons, a record. Source: Cepea

Corn production in 2020

Corn exports fall almost 20% in volume and revenue in 2020
According to the director of SIM Consult, the drop in shipments was caused by the low availability of the cereal in Brazil.

Brazil exported 34.67 million tons of corn in 2020, according to the Comex Stat, from the Ministry of Economy. This represents a fall of 18.9% in relation to the volume shipped in 2019, which reached 42.752 million tons. In revenue, the decline was 18.8%, reaching US $ 5.916 billion last year, against US $ 7.289 billion the previous year.

According to the director of SIM Consult, Liones Severo, the significant drop in shipments is due to the low availability of the cereal, the effect of the losses recorded last year due to the drought. “The harvest was not the size we were talking about, so there was a very shortage in the domestic market, which also made prices break records”

We are specialized in offering Sugar, Ethanol, Soybean, Yellow Corn and Animal Protein (Chicken, Pork and Beef). Request a quote

World corn crop 2020/2021

In relation to the previous USDA report, there was a reduction in the projection for world corn production, with estimated setbacks in crops in Argentina and Brazil. With this, the cereal harvest is estimated at 1.13 billion tons. Compared to Safra 2019/2020, this amount represents growth of 1.6%.

Global corn consumption is expected to expand by 2.2%. According to a highlight in the Deagro / Fiesp bulletin, for China, the USDA increased the estimate for cereal consumption by “1.5 million tons compared to last month’s survey. Since the first survey, in May, the forecast for the demand for corn in the country has already increased by 12.0 million tons ”.

In the case of exports, the expectation is for an overall volume 8% higher, with Brazil expanding its shipments by 11.4%. Regarding world stocks, the trend is for a 6.3% fall. The Chinese market – which holds the largest cereal stock in the world – is expected to reach the end of the harvest with inventories 4.4% lower than in the previous cycle.
Source: Swine farming – Brazil

We are specialized in offering Sugar, Ethanol, Soybean, Yellow Corn and Animal Protein (Chicken, Pork and Beef). Request a quote

Exports of brazilian corn

Corn exports continue strong in January and expand advantage for early 2020 in volume and values ​​shipped

In the first 15 days of January / 21, the country already exported, compared to January / 20, 32% more corn in the daily average, 55% more in daily values ​​and obtained a 17% increase in the price of the ton shipped

In these first 15 working days of the month, Brazil exported 1,903,173.9 tons of unground corn. This volume represents an increase of 659,974.9 tons in relation to what was recorded until the last week (1,243,199) and is only 38.01% of all that was shipped during the month of December (5,006,035.8 tons ).

As a result, the daily average of shipments was 126,878.3 tons, a level 44.24% lower than the average of last month (227,547.1 tons). Compared to the same period last year, the average daily exports was 32.47% higher than the 95,781.3 in January 2020.

In financial terms, Brazil exported a total of US $ 381,464.30 in the period, against US $ 359,831.00 in January of last year. In the daily average, the current month recorded an increase of 55.74%, leaving US $ 25,472.30 per working day against US $ 16,314.80 in January last year.
By: Guilherme Dorigatti | Source: Agricultural News


Brazil continues to record weekly increase in corn exports. Until the second week of February, the volume shipped reached 504,944 thousand tons, up 48.4% over the 340,256 thousand exported in the same period of 2020, according to preliminary data from the Ministry of Economy, released on Wednesday, 17.

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